Experience the Stations of the Cross from the voices of the women of the Bible!
The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross, help us to meditate on the different scenes from the Passion and Death of Christ. Not all details in the Stations of the Cross are recorded in Scripture. We have named this story, The Women of the Cross. It is not necessarily true, but it could have happened. You will hear what may have been the words or thoughts of the women who came to know Jesus during his ministry and on his way to the Cross on Good Friday.
All are welcome to attend!
News and Events

Catholic Charities March Collection
March 5 - April 13 (except for Saturdays between 9 and 11 AM).
Clothing, small appliances, shoes, linens, sheets, towels, tools, novels, stuffed animals, toys, knickknacks, & children’s books. Drop off in the Catholic Charities Donation Cart in the lower level of the Church. Any questions or comments, contact us at 973-596-3985 or DonationBins@ccannj.org.

Vacation Bible School

Mom's Ministry Playdate
Moms/caregivers with kids aged 0 - 5 are invited to Neverland Fun!
March 21
9 - 10:30 AM
$25 per child $20 sibling discount.
RSVP here.
The Heights Kindness Team Sports Clinic
Sunday, April 6th at Lower Columbia Park
10 - 11:15 AM (arrive at 9:45 AM)
$10 per child
Register on Community Pass

Eternal Bonds - Support group for those grieving the loss of a child.
Finding Peace and Hope through Jesus' Resurrection - April 24 - 7 - 8:30 PM
Lifting the Soul as Spring Awakens - May 29 - 7 - 8:30 PM
Parish Center Upper Level
Contact: eternalbonds.lf@gmail.com or Dan at (908) 464-1585

Annulment Information Night
April 30
7 - 9 PM
Join Deacon Raj Srinivasa for an insightful session with Q&A.
RSVP at divorceministry.lf@gmail.com

Little Flower Food Pantry
Click here for updates from the Little Flower Food Pantry.
Our food pantry is essential to over 25 families per week who are working poor. While these families work hard, the high cost of living in our area and inflation makes providing for all the needs impossible. Your food donation, which may seem small, is a helping hand in their struggles. We are dangerously low on supplies of: Canned Soup, Vegetables, Beans (canned and bagged), Fruit, Tuna, Chicken, Chef Boyardee, Chili and Stew. Rice, Parmalat, Cereal, Oatmeal, Coffee, Tea, Pasta Sauce, Pasta, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shampoo/Conditioner, Soap, & Deodorant.
Drop off to the pantry located in the church lower level or make a cash donation.