8th Grade Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation gives special graces of the Holy Spirit to the person being confirmed, just as such graces were granted to the Apostles on Pentecost.
Call me for:
Religious Formation, Family Masses, Liturgy of the Word for Children, Vacation Bible School and Confirmation. Call me with questions about our programming or to volunteer as a catechist or mentor!
Registration FAQ's
How Do I Register?
Register through Community Pass. Registration opens June 27 at 9am. Your child must be a baptized Catholic and have made their First Communion to enter the Confirmation program. Contact the parish offices if your child needs to make up any Sacraments or has not been a part of a religious formation program.
Tuition is $305 per child to cover materials, speakers, and Super Service Saturday retreats.
Baptismal Certificate
Baptism Certificates are required for all children unless baptized at Little Flower. You will be asked to upload a copy of your child's baptismal certificate when you register. If you don't have your child's certificate or cannot upload it, contact the religious formation office at the parish center for help.
How Can I Help?
Glad you asked! Volunteers are always welcome and needed for service projects and as mentors. Contact Religious Formation Coordinator at religiousformation.lf@gmail.com and
Thank you!
Parish Membership
We want your family to be an active part of the Little Flower community. We ask that before you sign up for our program, you are a parishioner of the Church of the Little Flower. Click here to become a parishioner.
Tuition Assistance
No child will be denied due to financial hardship. In the event the assistance is needed, please notify Religious Formation Coordinator at religiousformation.lf@gmail.com.
Service and Mass Requirements
The program requires 24 hours of service to the parish, the community and the family.
Super Service Saturday
6 Service Hours
There are two Saturdays built into the program to help your child achieve their required service goals. Three service hours will be completed during each Super Service Saturday. The day includes:
Programmed Service Events
Small Group Sessions
Sponsors are encouraged to attend.
2024 - 2025 Service Saturdays
March 22 9 am - 1:30 pm
May 17 9 am - 1 pm
Additional Service Hours
18 hours to be completed by the candidate
The candidate will fulfill on their own a minimum of 18 additional hours serving the community, parish and their family (at least 2 hours per area) during their preparation year. Keep a log of your hours to be submitted when complete.
Mass Requirements
Religious Formation families are asked to attend a monthly family Mass. (Schedule here)
These Masses are geared towards families with children in our program.
Session FAQ's
Confirmation Session Calendar
When do the sessions meet?
The Confirmation program meets on Tuesday nights at 7:30 - 9 pm. There are twelve, ninety minute sessions, typically two sessions per month from November through May of your child's eighth grade year.
What does a typical session look like?
We begin with a specific discussion topic including a video and/or speaker. We then break out into small discussion groups facilitated by parent mentors, followed by a wrap up (reflections, comments, questions).
Important Dates in 2024-2025 to Remember
Parent Meeting
October 22
7 - 8 pm
Church Lower Level
Explanatory Mass
January 7
7:30 pm
Taize Service
March 28
7 - 8 pm
Rite of Welcoming
November 3
11:30 am Mass
Sponsor Meeting
February 4
7 - 7:30 pm
Zoom link will be provided for those who cannot attend in person.
Super Service Saturday
May 17
9 am - 1 pm
Confirmation Reconciliation
During your child's regular session
December 10
Super Service Saturday
March 22
9 - 1:30 pm
Mentor/Service Team Corner
What is required to meet the Safe Environment policies if I want to volunteer with minors?
You need to fill out a volunteer application, sign the current Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, have a criminal background check and take a course in child sexual abuse awareness and prevention. Although the Code of Conduct, application and background check must be completed before you start your service, you have 30 days to take the Protecting God’s Children program. To register for a class, check your status or for questions, contact Dan Grossano, pastoral110.lf@gmail.com.
Service Committee Information Meeting
November 5
7 pm in the Parish Center
For those interested in planning service for the candidates.
Mentor Training
October 28
7 - 8 pm
Church Lower Level
Rite of Welcoming
November 3
11:30 am Mass
For Mentors, Candidates & Sponsors