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What Is the Lenten Season?

Lent is the 40 days (excluding Sundays) from Ash Wednesday to the Saturday before Easter and includes a 40-day fast, in imitation of Jesus Christ's fasting in the wilderness before he began his public ministry. Lent is a time of preparation and personal reflection that prepares people’s hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter.

What Happens During Lent and Why?

The three main things people focus on during Lent are prayer, fasting (abstaining from something to reduce distractions and focus more on God) and charity. Jesus sacrificed Himself on Good Friday and was raised from the dead on Easter Sunday to give us an opportunity to have a relationship with God for eternity. Spending time during Lent praying, fasting and giving can make Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday and His resurrection on Easter even more meaningful.

What is Pentecost and how does it pertain to Easter?

Easter does not end with Easter Sunday. The Easter season continues for fifty days, leading up to Pentecost which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. This begins their Earthly ministry to make disciples of all nations. At Pentecost, the Apostles and their followers were gathered in a room. At this time, a great wind blew and a flame appeared as a tongue of fire, which split itself into many individual flames above the heads of all those present. Pentecost is a feast day that marks the beginning of the Christian church's mission. 

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Lent for Kids
Click here for some interesting ideas to make Lent more meaningful for your children.

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Calendar of Events


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Little Black Books

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These Lenten daily devotionals will be distributed at all Masses. Pick up yours at the parish center or after Mass.



Ash Wednesday


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Masses - 9 AM,12 PM

Service - 3:30 PM (Family Service), 7 PM

Click here for Lenten regulations.



Stations of the Cross 7pm

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Featuring: Bridget Neigel, Parish Trustee

Livestream available



Stations of the Cross 7pm

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Featuring: Rev. Andrew J. DeSilva

Livestream available



Stations of the Cross 7pm 

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Featuring: Jennifer Anne Nelson

Stations of the Cross through the Lens of Child Loss



Women of the Cross

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Listen to what the women of the bible might have said to Jesus as they stood at the foot of the Cross on Good Friday.



Family Stations 


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Featuring the Performing Arts Ministry of Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel Church

Presenting the Living Stations of the Cross, complete with music, narrations, reflections, lighting, and costumes.


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Palm Sunday

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Mass Times: Saturday anticipation Mass: 5:30 pm

Sunday Masses: 8:30 am and 11:30 am

Palm Sunday-


Rice Bowl Return

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Return your filled rice bowl to any Mass during Holy Week or click here to make a donation to feed the hungry.



Good Friday

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Morning Prayer - 9am

Stations of the Cross - Noon

(Walking Stations Outdoors, Meet in Front of the Church) 

Passion of the Lord - 3pm



Holy Saturday

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Morning Prayer - 9 am

Easter Vigil - 8 pm


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Rice Bowl Distribution

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Fill your rice bowl with the money you save fasting during Lent. Return your filled bowl during Holy Week or click here to make a donation to feed the hungry. 

CRS Rice Bowl provides vital assistance to our global family, check out this video to see how your support is used.



Catholic Charities
Lenten Collection

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Clean out your basement! Support Catholic Charities - click here to see items requested and drop off instructions.



Penance Service 1:30pm

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Cast your burdens into the fire, releasing them to God for healing. Join our penance service for a guided confession experience. We'll provide prayers and support every step of the way.

Service: 1:30 - 2 pm

Individual Confessions: 2 - 5 pm



Feast of St. Joseph

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St. Joseph's zeppole (pastry) and coffee will be served after 9 am Mass in the Narthex.



Taize Prayer Service 7pm

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Click here and learn to pray with Taize music.



Food Pantry Easter Dinner Drive

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Help provide a Easter dinner for those in need!

Sign-ups coming soon.



Stations of the Cross 7pm

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Featuring: Bishop Saporito


Livestream available



Easter Egg

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12:45 pm (After 11:30 Mass)

On the grounds of the parish center and church. 

Special Guest - The Easter Bunny and Davey the Donkey. Follow Davey's Story here.



Holy Thursday

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Morning Prayer - 9 am

Mass of the Lord's Supper - 8pm

Night Prayer - 10:45 pm



Divine Mercy Novena

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Click here for more information on Divine Mercy.

Sign-up to receive the Chaplet in your email or by text here.



Easter Sunday

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Mass Times: 9 am, 10:45 am and 12:15 pm

Little white devotional books and holy water bottles are available at all Masses.

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