The Mass is the center of the Church’s life. At each Mass, all the intentions of all God’s people, both living and dead, are included. Yet, “in the established tradition of the Church, the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join to the Eucharistic sacrifice a kind of sacrifice of their own, as a way of taking part more intensely. They thus do their share to provide for the Church’s needs, especially the support of its ministers…” (Pope Paul VI, motu proprio “Firma in Traditione”)
Announced Mass card/intention are $10 at the parish office. You may donate the altar bread (Hosts) and sacramental wine used at Mass for a week in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion for $65.
Contact the parish office to arrange a date for your intention.
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4pm
Friday 9 am - 1pm.
Request a Mass Intention for:
a person who is living,
a person who is deceased,
members of a given family
a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, e.g., World Peace, Vocations, Respect for Life, etc.

Mass Intentions
March 15 - 5:30 pm:
Lydia Albamonte
March 16 - 8:30 am:
Ana Sugaste
March 16 - 11:30 am:
Lydia Albamonte
March 17 - 9 am:
The deceased members of the Gerdts Family
March 18 - 9 am:
Steven J. Rizzo
March 19 - 9 am:
Michael Samuel
March 20 - 9 am:
Karen Cook
March 21- 9 am:
Michael Soranno
March 22 - 9 am:
Steve Rizzo
March 22 - 5:30 pm:
Michael Grouss
March 23 - 8:30 am:
Cecelia Hatten
March 23 - 11:30 am:
Lydia Albamonte
March 24 - 9 am:
Anna and Steve Briante
March 25 - 9 am:
Cathy Pitingolo
Gertrude Gonnelli
March 26 - 9 am:
Robin Sicoli
March 27 - 9 am:
Stephanie Tokash
March 28- 9 am:
Edith Herbin
March 29 - 9 am:
Dominic and Mary Schiano
March 29 - 5:30 pm:
Thomas D. Roth
March 30 - 8:30 am:
Dominic and Mary Schiano
March 30 - 11:30 am:
Albert Ballman
March 31 - 9 am:
Steve Rizzo
April 1 - 9 am:
Charles E. Dooley
William Neigel
April 2 - 9 am:
Roseann Phelan
Anne May Bosefskie
April 3 - 9 am:
Frances Truppi
April 4 - 9 am:
Rose and Joseph Truppi
Linda Codispoti
April 5 - 9 am:
Raymond and Dolores Ryan
April 5 - 5:30 pm:
The People of the Parish
April 6 - 8:30 am:
Marie Dell'Aquila
April 6 - 11:30 am:
Stella and Daniel Gutch
April 7 - 9 am:
The Tranqulli Family
Robert Vautin
April 8 - 9 am:
Delia Clemente
Mary Jane Cardiello
April 9 - 9 am:
Rosario LaCorte
April 10 - 9 am:
Robert Vautin
April 11 - 9 am:
April 12 - 9 am:
James Duffy

Do you have a family member who is currently on active military service? Would you like to include them in our prayers in the bulletin each week? Please send names, branch of the military and rank through the following link: Click here