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Priest's Residence

2025 Capital Campaign Update


We are excited to share that we already have raised $485,447 from just 100 families towards our $750,000 goal. Thank you to all those who have made their pledge thus far:

The Abraham, Bade, Bahto, Baker, Bartiromo, Beale, Becker, Borzotta, Cabrera, Campasano, Carrellas, Castro, Cavallo, Chen, Chonjowski, Ciamei, Ciraco, Cook, Coviello, Cuaycong, Cuddihy, D’Auria, David, Del Duca, DeWitt, Dreitlein, Eldridge, Esker, Faillace, Flora, Forman, Furino, Galvin, Giambalvo, Gleeson, Gonnelli, Gosen-Greguske, Griffin, Gruendig, Gunyan, Hack, Hakim, Hanntz, Havas, Hegarty, Hildebrand,  Kane, Kenny, Kfouri, Koffer, Kolfenbach, Kostolansky, Lalevee, Lenahan, Leslie, Lombardi Jr, Lipere, Mack, Martingale, McCabe, McElroy & Fehleison, Montemurro, Morrison, Nania,  Neigel, Novak, Novak, Popola, Primmer, Reddy, Redente, Renzulli, Richel, Richel, Rocklein, Romeo, Rowe, Runfolo, Ryan, Saccento, Sciortino, Soranno, Squazzo, Stein, Tokash, Traub, Valenti, Vales, Vanacore, Vautin, Wilson, and Zadrozny Families.


We invite everyone to respond to the mailing to consider making a pledge to this campaign effort.


Pledge forms and pencils will be available at all the Masses on March 29th and 30th . If you have not yet made your pledge to the campaign, please consider completing a pledge form at Mass on that weekend.

In the chart below are giving plans to consider. We understand that each individual or family has different financial obligations and abilities. Please consider which plan best fits your monthly budget. Remember this campaign is based on equal sacrifice, not equal giving.

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