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Saints For Kids


Meet the Saints

Have you ever wished you could talk to animals?  You have a lot in common with Saint Francis of Assisi!

Can you guess which saint was the first to be born in America? Introducing Elizabeth Ann Seton.

Meet Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped in 1876 from her loving family in Sudan at age seven and sold into slavery! Can you imagine how scared she must have felt? 

“Mom! Where’s my _______?” Sound familiar? Instead of calling on Mom, try Saint Anthony!

Each week we will learn about a new Saint together! Let us know who is your favorite or which Saint you'd like to learn more about here!

Saint Therese of Lisieux

What does St. Therese teach us?

Love Jesus in Simple Ways

“The Little Way”: Therese loved Jesus with her whole heart, even in little things.She reminds us that we can show love for Jesus in all the small things we do.

Trust in God’s Love: Therese trusted that God loved her, even when things were difficult or she felt small and weak. She teaches us that God is like a loving parent who always cares for us and wants what is best for us.

Be Kind to Others: Even when people were unkind to her, Therese tried to respond with kindness and patience. She believed that this was her way of showing God’s love to others.


St. Therese’s life shows that holiness is possible for everyone, no matter how young or small, by choosing to love God and others every day.

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Saint Ignatius of Loyola

What does St. Ignatius teach us?

Live with gratitude and optimism for the future!

Ignatius encouraged his friends to pray the "examen", look back on your day and think about all the things you are thankful for; a beautiful day, a safe place to sleep, food to eat, parents and friends who love you. Now, think of what you could do better tomorrow; be a better friend, brother or sister...

And you've done it! You are praying like a Saint!

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Saint Paul the Apostle

What does St. Paul teach us?

  • Obey your parents: In Paul tells children to obey their parents in the Lord and honor them.  

  • Make careful choices: Paul taught that choices have consequences. 

  • Admit mistakes and change: Paul taught that when we are wrong, we should admit our mistakes and change to do things right. 

  • Friendship with God: Paul taught that friendship with God is a gift that is better than money, and that sin breaks our friendship with God. 

  • God is the creator of all things: Paul taught that God is the creator of all things.

  • All men are one blood: Paul taught that all men are one blood, and that we are brothers. 

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